Hire Me
Hello! This is Saurabh Zodgekar a freelance web designer-developer from India who loves to create clean, modern, fast, usable websites and web applications. Did i mentioned i make awesome mobile apps as well :)
MSGD Petroleum
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#Responsive #HTML #PHP #Javascript
Swathi Engineers
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#Responsive #HTML #CSS #jQuery
Dalbar Canada
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#Wordpress #jQuery #PHP #Javascript
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#HTML #CSS #Wordpress #Custom-Theme
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#Custom-Theme #Wordpress #CSS #Git
Kashee US
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#Ecommerce #Wordpress #Woocommerce
Have an awesome project in mind? I can help you with a variaty of projects. Fill the form below and together we will create project of your dreams.
Project type
Responsive static website
Wordpress website
Custom PHP application
Mobile application
Other website work
Project deadline
Less than 1 month
1 to 3 months
3 to 6 months
More than 6 months
8 + 2 =